Effingham’s Planning Board should deny Meena LLC’s Development of Regional Impact application when it meets on Monday night.
Effingham’s Planning Board should deny Meena LLC’s Development of Regional Impact application when it meets on Monday night.
In a late Friday letter to the Planning Board, the company’s attorney said Ossipee Aquifer expert Dr. Bob Newton should not be allowed to speak, and a petition calling for a more complete independent technical review of the plan “has no bearing on the application.”
In advance of a special August 22 hearing in Effingham, two State Representatives last week asked the Department of Transportation to deny the use of State property for gas station runoff.
“The Ossipee Aquifer can’t move. A gas station can be sited in a different place,” says the head of national non-profit American Groundwater Trust.
Gas station opponents say Meena LLC cannot meet the requirements of an important environmental regulation.