Invasive aquatic species are a statewide issue. The challenge on Ossipee Lake is variable milfoil, a fast-growing indestructible non-native weed found here in the 1980s, and now resident across the lake system. Click on the photos to the right for a close-up look at where milfoil has been found.
Read more about species of Water-milfoil relevant to Ossipee Lake >
Since the state provides limited funding for milfoil control, Freedom, Ossipee and Effingham must pay the rest. We helped create the process by which town officials annually work with DES to develop control plans that can range from hand-pulling by professional divers to chemical treatments. Click here for the latest Ossipee Lake milfoil control plan.
We sponsor boater outreach to increase awareness of milfoil, including supporting the Tri-Town Lake Host program, which conducts boat inspections at public ramps. We hold public meetings and have trained dozens of volunteers as Weed Watchers. Use the Search Box in the header to access the latest news stories about milfoil prevention.
The State
New Hampshire’s Department of Environmental Services is nationally recognized for its expertise in controlling invasive aquatic species. You can learn more about their work on their website. If you believe you have found a new infestation, email a picture with the location to Amy Smagula at amy.smagula@des.nh.gov