Sale of Donald Lee Property Fails, but Lake Clean Up Will Proceed

No bidders met the reserve price this month for Donald Lee’s shorefront property, which the state ordered the Sheriff to sell after the Massachusetts resident repeatedly failed to comply with a court order to pay for the environmental damage he caused to Bradford Cove. A second auction date will be set, but in the interim the Ossipee Bluffs Association will have to cover the $500,00 to $600,000 remediation cost.

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“The Ghost of Ossipee Lake” Case Marks a Centennial

Was it murder or an accident? Traveling salesman Frederick Small said he was out of town when his Ossipee Lake home burned to the ground in September, 1916, killing his wife, Florence. Not so, said authorities, whose prosecution of Small kept New England in suspense for months. The definitive book about the Small case has now been reissued.

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