Proposed Gas Station Raises Concerns About Aquifer

At a crowded and sometimes heated meeting last week, the applicant’s representatives answered questions about the environmental impact of the development with assurances that they will meet all state and local requirements. Tamworth has named one of its select board members to represent the town’s interests as an abutter. The hearing was continued to April 18 to address fire prevention suppression, lighting, traffic and other concerns.

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Looking Forward to Ice-Out

Ice out is a time of quiet on the lake. Some folks love that first open water paddle just to see what’s going on. Sometimes the winter ice has moved things around and left some surprises. With everything waking up and the lake getting restless, it’s a good time to keep your eyes and ears open to the wonders of spring.

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Country Ecology: The Saw-Whet Owl

Tamworth–March 22, 2017–The saw-whet owl is the smallest we have in the northeast, being a chunky eight-inches long. As the owl nesting season begins in earnest at this time of year, we may hear it at dusk sending piping notes out from a coniferous swamp. There, in dank, low, wet

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