Judge to Rule on Whether Ossipee Voters Get Another Chance at Beach Purchase

Ossipee officials claim Camp Sokokis owner Diane Sheehan’s lobbying against the town’s purchase of her Camp Sokokis property was a “blatant contract breach” of her agreement to sell to the town. Sheehan’s attorney said she felt “bullied” into the deal by First Selectman Morgan, and was engaging in “political discourse, which is her right.” A state judge will settle the dispute.

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Country Ecology: Chickadee Flock Behavior

David George Haskell wrote a superb article in the autumn issue of Northern Woodlands entitled “Song of the Balsam Fir,” and while he evolved eventually into that subject, he also ruminated about the chickadees he encounters every year. It is good environmental reporting, so I thought I would reproduce his writing about chickadees instead of discussing how intelligent balsam firs are.

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