Looking back over the last ten years, “ice-out” has been in mid- to late-April, with last year being April 26. If history repeats, there should be a slow melt and discharge into the lake for the next two weeks.
Looking back over the last ten years, “ice-out” has been in mid- to late-April, with last year being April 26. If history repeats, there should be a slow melt and discharge into the lake for the next two weeks.
Mother Nature will ultimately call the shots, but the state predicts work will recommence in mid-May.
An arbitrated agreement filed in Superior Court on Thursday ended a group lawsuit by more than 70 Westward Shores campers against the Town of Ossipee and Northgate Resorts over zoning enforcement and sales practices.
Snow and high water around the holidays didn’t slow down work on the new Ossipee Lake Dam, according to Tim Otterbach, who has been documenting the project since August.
A ubiquitous presence through autumn, the lake’s common loons head south for the winter. But not as far as you might think.