State experts have confirmed that a dense weed mass in and around Philips Brook on Leavitt Bay is Ossipee Lake’s third infestation of exotic variable milfoil. [Also includes articles from Carroll County Independent and Conway Daily Sun].
State experts have confirmed that a dense weed mass in and around Philips Brook on Leavitt Bay is Ossipee Lake’s third infestation of exotic variable milfoil. [Also includes articles from Carroll County Independent and Conway Daily Sun].
A petition by Spindle Point property owners will be heard by the Department of Safety at 1 PM on August 29th at Freedom Town Hall.
The trial of Frederick Small for the murder of his wife at their Ossipee Lake home in 1916 was a sensational news story that kept New Englanders in suspense for months.
The task of collecting and processing water samples from 19 sites on Ossipee Lake continued last week as the Ossipee Lake Protection Program’s water quality monitoring initiative passed the mid-point of its summer activities.
This year’s Watershed Weekend brought its focus down to the small scale to look at what bugs can tell us about the Ossipee Watershed.