After bickering over who was responsible, a special legislative committee voted yesterday to approve 16 layoffs at the Department of Environmental Services.
After bickering over who was responsible, a special legislative committee voted yesterday to approve 16 layoffs at the Department of Environmental Services.
Webster Lake in Franklin literally turned green in September when toxic bacteria invaded. While repaving a stretch of Route 3 in Belmont this year, the Department of Transportation polluted Lake Winnisquam for five months.
At its monthly meeting last night, the Freedom Planning Board voted to approve an application by Totem Pole Park to expand its annual operating season from six months to 11 months, subject to a final plan to be submitted by the campground’s attorney.
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services has announced lay-offs that will likely mean the end of the state’s Volunteer Lake Assessment Program, a 20-year partnership between the agency and lake associations to monitor the health of the state’s lakes.
In a complex case involving issues that began in 1997, a state Superior Court judge has upheld a decision by Freedom’s Zoning Board of Adjustment to deny business expansions proposed by Ossipee Lake Marina on Broad Bay.