Two amendments to the Freedom zoning ordinance to be presented to voters on March 9th will allow developers to make “non-conforming” houses even more non-conforming, yet are worded in a way that suggests just the opposite.
Two amendments to the Freedom zoning ordinance to be presented to voters on March 9th will allow developers to make “non-conforming” houses even more non-conforming, yet are worded in a way that suggests just the opposite.
State officials and lake associations hope the money, earmarked for research, will do what chemicals, harvesting and containment cannot: eradicate an invasive and exotic weed that chokes off other plants, alters habitat and could cause waterfront property values to plummet.
Ossipee Lake Marina has appealed to state Supreme Court to overturn the recent Superior Court ruling that upheld the town of Freedom’s denial of additional boat storage buildings on the Broad Bay property.
After bickering over who was responsible, a special legislative committee voted yesterday to approve 16 layoffs at the Department of Environmental Services.
Webster Lake in Franklin literally turned green in September when toxic bacteria invaded. While repaving a stretch of Route 3 in Belmont this year, the Department of Transportation polluted Lake Winnisquam for five months.