The pamphlet, called “The Special Places of Ossipee Lake,” is receiving wide distribution through funding provided by Public Service of New Hampshire.
The pamphlet, called “The Special Places of Ossipee Lake,” is receiving wide distribution through funding provided by Public Service of New Hampshire.
The variable milfoil infestation in Phillips Brook on Leavitt Bay was treated with an aquatic herbicide as scheduled on June 16th, according to Ken Warren of the Department of Environmental Services.
Abutting property owners and others opposed to increasing the number of boat moorings at Deer Cove were in the majority at yesterday’s state hearing on the matter, according to an official who was present.
According to the application, the Association wants to increase its boat moorings by nearly 80%, from 19 to 34.
Ossipee Lake Alliance is looking for a few good sets of eyes to keep an eye out for variable milfoil and other exotic plant species that could take hold in the lake and spread around its shoreline.