What do the candidates for Ossipee Selectman think about lake issues, and what would they do if they are elected?
What do the candidates for Ossipee Selectman think about lake issues, and what would they do if they are elected?
Ossipee Lake Alliance has distributed a survey that will give candidates running for Ossipee Selectman the opportunity to make their opinions known about important lake issues they are likely to face if elected.
The popular summer pastime of “rafting” – boating’s equivalent of a tailgate party – on the state’s lakes would be banned by a bill before the state Senate. Rafting is when boats congregate on the water, sometimes involving as many as 150 boats.
Ossipee’s Selectmen have agreed to accept the State’s offer to split the cost of a program in which invasive variable milfoil will be hand-pulled from Leavitt Bay and Phillips Brook by professional divers this spring.
Two public hearings are expected to be jammed on a House bill that would repeal the now infamous SB 458, the state law that allowed developers of a proposed driving track to skirt a local ordinance which would have restricted its operation.