Ossipee has the potential to be a premier snowmobiling destination, but it needs more trails and volunteers, says a local man who hopes to lay 15 miles of new trail from Ossipee Lake to Effingham.
Ossipee has the potential to be a premier snowmobiling destination, but it needs more trails and volunteers, says a local man who hopes to lay 15 miles of new trail from Ossipee Lake to Effingham.
The Town of Freedom is updating its Master Plan, which was originally written in 1987 and last updated in 1992.
A new project directed by the University of New Hampshire is attempting to determine whether biological agents found in the upper Midwest may be of some help in controlling variable milfoil in New Hampshire.
What we hope to do is keep the lake at its full level (elev. 407.25) right through the Labor Day weekend.
Frustrated that Totem Pole Park residents are registering their cars at town hall in violation of a one-year-old agreement that allows campers to stay 11 months, the planning board unanimously decided to hold a public hearing, a necessary first step to revoking it.