What we hope to do is keep the lake at its full level (elev. 407.25) right through the Labor Day weekend.
What we hope to do is keep the lake at its full level (elev. 407.25) right through the Labor Day weekend.
Frustrated that Totem Pole Park residents are registering their cars at town hall in violation of a one-year-old agreement that allows campers to stay 11 months, the planning board unanimously decided to hold a public hearing, a necessary first step to revoking it.
After viewing Long Sands beach with officials from the town and state, Selectman Harry Merrow reported that the group had identified the location for the proposed town beach, and agreed on a course of action to look for rare plants there.
Ossipee could spend as much as $4,000 as soon as September on a rare plants survey as part of development of an Ossipee Lake public beach.
A long-awaited decision by the Freedom Planning Board on how long Totem Pole Park can remain open during the year will come one step closer after Thursday’s board meeting.