Selectman Harry Merrow questions how people can see the proposed town beach on Ossipee Lake as something that will disturb or threaten natural and historic resources, since the beach has been a hub of activity on the lake each summer for years.
Selectman Harry Merrow questions how people can see the proposed town beach on Ossipee Lake as something that will disturb or threaten natural and historic resources, since the beach has been a hub of activity on the lake each summer for years.
Lake level is on target at 406.81′ feet Sunday evening. By Monday morning it should be down about 6″ below standard height of 407.25′ – just what Steve at the N.H. Dam authority had predicted.
A meeting of the Freedom Planning Board will be field on Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall.
Selectman Jim Breslin violated the privacy rights of Totem Pole Park residents by reading a list of names at a public meeting of people he says registered their cars at town hall in violation of an agreement between the town and campground, charges the campground’s lawyer.
Bill Fortier of Nichols Road came in to talk with the Selectmen [last week] about an access to Ossipee Lake off Nichols Road Extension.