The Ossipee Lake shoreline harbors many uncommon species due to its similarities to the coastal, sandy regions to the south and east.
The Ossipee Lake shoreline harbors many uncommon species due to its similarities to the coastal, sandy regions to the south and east.
A state ban on the use of lead tackle for freshwater fishing has failed to reduce the number of loons that die from ingesting the sinkers and jigs each year, Fish and Game Department officials said.
The top story in Ossipee this year, in terms of the amount of interest it has generated from townspeople, has been the proposed beach at Long Sands, a state owned natural area on Ossipee Lake.
When we last talked at the end of October, the water level was at 408.1′ and the ark had grounded.
New Hampshire lawmakers will decide in January whether to impose speed limits on all bodies of water in the state — from Lake Winnipesaukee to Conway Lake.