They’re the outcasts of the animal world: the ones that slither, the ones that smell and the ones that swoop through the night in the dark.
They’re the outcasts of the animal world: the ones that slither, the ones that smell and the ones that swoop through the night in the dark.
Looking to the future and the well-being of Ossipee Lake, zoning enforcement officer Ned Hatfield asked the selectmen for their support for a project that has been on his mind for a while.
The Nature Conservancy is in the final stages of a risky $3.8 million plan to save a rare habitat, racing against developers in their purchase of valuable properties.
A Sea-Doo explosion at the Ossipee Lake Marina in Freedom left two people with second-degree burns.
Peter Malia, the town’s attorney, said in the letter that the lot has not become a commercial lot, even though it has been merged with the marina’s lots.