Paul Corbin, the president of the Totem Pole Association on Pequawket Trail, came to the planning board Thursday, July 20 for a preliminary discussion about changing the schedule of winter operations.
Paul Corbin, the president of the Totem Pole Association on Pequawket Trail, came to the planning board Thursday, July 20 for a preliminary discussion about changing the schedule of winter operations.
A Marine Patrol crackdown on unregistered individual moorings this week has some Ossipee Lake boaters scrambling to comply with the state’s mooring law.
With a theme of “Wildlife in the Watershed,” the weekend will feature speakers, exhibits, crafts and entertainment.
They’re the outcasts of the animal world: the ones that slither, the ones that smell and the ones that swoop through the night in the dark.
Looking to the future and the well-being of Ossipee Lake, zoning enforcement officer Ned Hatfield asked the selectmen for their support for a project that has been on his mind for a while.