The owner of Camp Robin Hood received an approved site plan review from the Freedom Planning Board to renovate an existing building on the property as well as construct a new building.
The owner of Camp Robin Hood received an approved site plan review from the Freedom Planning Board to renovate an existing building on the property as well as construct a new building.
Looking back three years, the reeling racetrack developer seems further than ever from an early promise to investors to succeed where other would-be track builders have failed.
The days of obtaining a certificate by passing the test online are numbered.
Freedom Zoning Board continued its review of Ossipee Lake Marina’s proposed boat storage expansion to January, claiming that Fire Chief Gene Doe’s input is crucial to the decision.
The latest legal action adds fuel to a long-drawn firestorm of controversy in this small rural hotbed of politics, where feuding between neighbors, much of it over development, has become all-too-commonplace.