The Freedom Zoning Board of Adjustment unanimously approved the request for a special exception to Kevin Price and the Ossipee Lake Marina on Tuesday night allowing the business to store nearly four times as many boats outside.
The Freedom Zoning Board of Adjustment unanimously approved the request for a special exception to Kevin Price and the Ossipee Lake Marina on Tuesday night allowing the business to store nearly four times as many boats outside.
Freedom — January 23, 2007 — Freedom Zoning Board is expected to decide Tuesday whether or not Ossipee Lake Marina can expand its storage of customers’ boats. Principal marina owner Kevin Price’s application for unlimited winter boat storage on part of his property has already been reviewed by the board,
What will the future of Ossipee Lake be? Who should help shape that future? What programs are needed to ensure the lake’s long-term protection?
Curious about what happened at the selectmen’s meeting last week? Wonder what the tax rate is or what the master plan says?
The proposed expansion of Ossipee Lake Marina has State officials and local environmental groups worried about the impact on milfoil, boat traffic and the Ossipee aquifer.