Freedom selectmen vote 3-0 to appeal boat storage case and let Kevin Price pay for it.
Freedom selectmen vote 3-0 to appeal boat storage case and let Kevin Price pay for it.
Owners think long-time customers will want to invest in campsites. Application hearing at tonight’s Ossipee Planning Board meeting is the start of a potentially long process.
Mother Nature again reminds us that a little bit of widespread rain can result in a lot of lake level rise in a short period of time.
A final decision to proceed to the Supreme Court is still pending a formal vote by the Board, however.
Zoning Officer asks if he should enforce the 2002 ZBA Alvino Road prohibition; Selectman Babb says he thinks the ruling was probably in error, and tells him to ask the State Municipal Association. Ex-Selectman Cupka asks the Board to appeal the boat storage case to State Supreme Court; Marina owner Price says he’ll pay the town to do it.