Consulting firm will be on hand to explain and discuss its recommendation that three fire precincts be consolidated into one and given centralized administrative control.
Consulting firm will be on hand to explain and discuss its recommendation that three fire precincts be consolidated into one and given centralized administrative control.
Freedom challenger says his candidacy “is about public service and making a contribution to Freedom’s future.”
Ossipee Lake property owner John Hardie says he will file for relief for his Hodgson Shore property, and so will Westward Shores Campground, where he works.
Businessman Scott Cunningham will run against Jim Brown in Freedom, and former Ossipee Police Chief Rick Morgan will face Kathleen Maloney in March elections.
Managers of the town’s Milfoil Control Trust Fund ramp up the effort to roll back the effects of the invasive weed in Lake Winnipesaukee’s most severe infestation.