Haunted Huts, Ghostly Apparitions and Bigfoot

Freedom – July 27, 2009 – Ever hiked alone and felt you weren’t really alone? In addition to having some of the best mountain trails in the northeast, New Hampshire has some of the spookiest mountain mysteries.

Haunted huts? We have ’em. Ghostly apparitions? Ditto? A Bigfoot? Credible sightings in the Ossipee Mountains near Connor Pond have captured the attention of a national group known as the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

sasquatch 007Local writer Marianne O’Connor has heard the legends and knows the lore, and she’ll share it all at a special Tales of Ossipee Lake presentation on Saturday, August 8, at 8 p.m. at Calumet Conference Center.

O’Connor is the author of Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire – the kind of book that will have you out of the house and on a hiking trail to check out her sites and sightings, from Ichabod Crane’s tombstone to a crashed bomber plane deep in the woods.

Plus, of course, our own Ossipee Mountains Sasquatch, a creature better known as Bigfoot.

If you love the presentation you’ll want the book, and O’Connor will have copies to autograph and sell, with a portion of the proceeds going to Ossipee Lake Alliance.

For the best night of family entertainment on the lake this summer, be outdoors under the big tent on the shores of Ossipee Lake for this special free event on Saturday, August 8 at 8 p.m.

The smell of campfire smoke will be in the air, the sky will be dark and mystery will be afoot.

Don’t miss it.

A Tales of Ossipee Lake presentation for Freedom Old Home Week, sponsored by Ossipee Lake Alliance in association with Camp Calumet and Calumet Conference Center.

For directions, go to www.calumet.org or call 603-539-4773.

1 comment

  1. mooseski 16 years ago July 31, 2009

    Who knows–There may even be appearances by Capt. Ghoulagog, the bionic pickerel, the Dump Grump, the Spindle Top Mop Bopper, and perhaps even the master of all that is scary: Barkle Snarkle


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