Thanks to the State Dam Bureau and Ossipee Dam Authority, the lake level continues to be predictable and according to plan.
Thanks to the State Dam Bureau and Ossipee Dam Authority, the lake level continues to be predictable and according to plan.
The New Hampshire Lakes Association plans to promote a bill that will require boaters to clean and drain their vessel and trailer before entering a state lake and again when leaving it. The group believes the law can help limit the spread of variable milfoil and keep other invasives like zebra mussels from finding their way to state waters.
“Tenders” will help keep milfoil fragments from flowing down the Ossipee River when professional divers remove an infestation in Berry Bay.
Reduction of enforcement cited as a potential element in this season’s wave of trespassing and vandalism at Ossipee Lake’s rare nature preserve.
Rare plants may have been lost as Short Sands is trashed for the second time this summer.