The lake level is starting to fall. Work continues on local roadways. Lots of pine needles, but where are the cones?
The lake level is starting to fall. Work continues on local roadways. Lots of pine needles, but where are the cones?
Granted abutter status in the matter, the Town of Freedom says Ossipee’s Planning Board should not have approved the application because the plan violated Ossipee’s zoning ordinance. The appeal asks the Ossipee ZBA to conduct a hearing to review the Planning Board’s decision.
Ossipee’s Planning Board has denied Freedom’s request to reconsider its conditional approval for a developer to double the capacity of Westward Shores Campground & Marina. But as the expansion application moves to Concord for review, flooding remains a key consideration.
Granted abutter status because the expansion has regional impact, Freedom’s leaders say they want to present testimony about the potential negative impact on water quality. On September 20, the Ossipee Planning Board granted conditional approval for the expansion after denying Freedom’s request for more time to study a newly submitted engineering report by Jones & Beach, and revised plans that were presented that night with no opportunity for public review.
Roberta MacCarthy is a long-time lake resident and has been President of the Berry Bay Association since 2010.