A banker by career, a volunteer by nature, our long-time board member made an indelible impression on Freedom and on us.
A banker by career, a volunteer by nature, our long-time board member made an indelible impression on Freedom and on us.
Due to late notice to abutting property owners, Valley Point LLC on Tuesday temporarily withdrew its application for a gas station complex at routes 16 and 41 in West Ossipee. It plans to resubmit the plan and get on the docket for next month.
A local environmental organization says a proposed gas station-convenience store at routes 16 and 41 is a potential threat to groundwater and should be denied. In 2015 the town’s Zoning Board granted a variance to install underground gas tanks for the development despite concerns that excavation could disrupt DES contamination mitigation work that has been ongoing at the site since 1993.
The Ossipee Selectman says the lack of a public beach on the town’s biggest body of water is “pathetic.” He says town officials have their eye on a possible site, and voters should authorize them to set aside town funds for an eventual purchase.
The bobcat is an adaptable predator that inhabits wooded areas as well as suburban backyards, forest edges, and swampy environments. It remains in some of its original range, but local populations are vulnerable to our many roads and also extirpation by coyotes and domestic animals. Bobcat sightings have become frequent in the Ossipee Lake area, making it timely to reprint this Country Ecology article.