Alliance Report

Westward Shores Floods More Frequently Than Previously Reported

State data shows Westward Shores Campground experienced floodwaters on at least 116 days between 2000 and the end of 2016, a much higher number of occurrences than previously reported. The revised number was computed from state data after pictures and videos last week showed extensive flooding while the lake level was approximately a foot lower than what was thought to be the flooding benchmark.

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Visuals Show Westward Shores Is Flooded at Levels Lower Than Previously Thought

Despite a moderate spring snowmelt, less than an inch of rain, and a lake level well under the 410 mark, Westward Shores has muddy roads, soggy campsites, and a Peninsula covered with water where the business wants to install 15 year-round RV rental units. Photos and videos this week validate long-time lake residents’ claims that the campground floods when the water exceeds 409′, not 410′ as previously thought.

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Country Ecology: Song Sparrows

Although song sparrows are partly migratory–depending upon the severity of the winter experienced–I welcome them back as early as I can see them. How far this little sparrow migrates may only be a few days’ flying time away.

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