Abutting property owners and others opposed to increasing the number of boat moorings at Deer Cove were in the majority at yesterday’s state hearing on the matter, according to an official who was present.
Abutting property owners and others opposed to increasing the number of boat moorings at Deer Cove were in the majority at yesterday’s state hearing on the matter, according to an official who was present.
According to the application, the Association wants to increase its boat moorings by nearly 80%, from 19 to 34.
Can you identify variable milfoil? How about fanwort, water chestnut and hydrilla? Can you tell the difference between these destructive weeds and beneficial plants such as native milfoil and elodea?
I am strongly opposed to this bill and the way in which it went through as it takes power away from local authorities regarding what goes on in their communities.
A law signed by Governor Craig Benson has created a new class of racetracks that are virtually exempt from local regulation.