As program coordinator, D’Andrea will work with individual volunteers, lake associations, and children’s camps to establish volunteer efforts across the lake system to search for and report on invasive exotic species such as variable milfoil.
As program coordinator, D’Andrea will work with individual volunteers, lake associations, and children’s camps to establish volunteer efforts across the lake system to search for and report on invasive exotic species such as variable milfoil.
The directors of Totem Pole Park, the largest campground on Ossipee Lake, have applied to the Freedom Planning Board for approval to remain open during the winter.
The state has denied an application by Pine Landing Beach Club Inc. to expand its congregate mooring field on the big lake from 39 moorings to 45. A public hearing was held on the matter on March 16th.
The pamphlet, called “The Special Places of Ossipee Lake,” is receiving wide distribution through funding provided by Public Service of New Hampshire.
The variable milfoil infestation in Phillips Brook on Leavitt Bay was treated with an aquatic herbicide as scheduled on June 16th, according to Ken Warren of the Department of Environmental Services.