This Monday night, July 18th, representatives from the state will detail the studies and plans that Ossipee officials must pay for and complete before the state can rule on the feasibility of a town beach in state-owned Ossipee Lake Natural Area.
This Monday night, July 18th, representatives from the state will detail the studies and plans that Ossipee officials must pay for and complete before the state can rule on the feasibility of a town beach in state-owned Ossipee Lake Natural Area.
Love handmade quilts? Now you have a chance to win one of three of them in a raffle that will benefit an important local cause.
All New Hampshire lakes and ponds ten acres and larger are owned by the public and are held in the Public Trust for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations.
Islands that move, rocks that float, and the year you could walk the channel to Broad Bay are among Ossipee Lake’s natural and unnatural phenomena that noted educator Barre Hellquist will present at Calumet Conference Center.
The Ossipee Lake water level roller coaster ride continues, and Steve at the State Dam Bureau plus the Ossipee Lake Dam authority are planning and doing all they can to slow down the ride to 407.25 feet above sea level for the next three months.