A new project directed by the University of New Hampshire is attempting to determine whether biological agents found in the upper Midwest may be of some help in controlling variable milfoil in New Hampshire.
A new project directed by the University of New Hampshire is attempting to determine whether biological agents found in the upper Midwest may be of some help in controlling variable milfoil in New Hampshire.
What we hope to do is keep the lake at its full level (elev. 407.25) right through the Labor Day weekend.
Responding to the growing controversy over Ossipee’s proposed development of state-owned Ossipee Lake Natural Area as a beach, Ossipee Lake Alliance today announced its opposition to the plan while also offering to help the town find an alternate location on the lake.
How much will it cost Ossipee taxpayers to pursue a beach in state-owned Ossipee Lake Natural Area?
That was the topic at Monday night’s selectmen’s meeting when a group of Ossipee property owners appeared with a list of questions.
You’ve read about him in magazines and seen him on TV. Now you can meet New Hampshire naturalist and writer Ben Kilham in person.