As of today the drawdown of Ossipee Lake is almost complete.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Freedom — September 16, 2005 — Ossipee Lake Alliance has called on the state agency DRED to suspend its negotiations to subdivide Ossipee Lake Natural Area for a beach, calling the plan “not in the best interest of the lake or the people of the state.” In
Lake level is on target at 406.81′ feet Sunday evening. By Monday morning it should be down about 6″ below standard height of 407.25′ – just what Steve at the N.H. Dam authority had predicted.
A meeting of the Freedom Planning Board will be field on Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall.
The Town of Freedom is updating its Master Plan, which was originally written in 1987 and last updated in 1992.