State officials have told Ossipee Lake Alliance there is no basis in fact to statements that White Lake State Park turns away visitors or that the Marine Patrol opposes swimming at Constitution Park Beach.
State officials have told Ossipee Lake Alliance there is no basis in fact to statements that White Lake State Park turns away visitors or that the Marine Patrol opposes swimming at Constitution Park Beach.
The Ossipee Lake shoreline harbors many uncommon species due to its similarities to the coastal, sandy regions to the south and east.
When we last talked at the end of October, the water level was at 408.1′ and the ark had grounded.
The Ossipee-funded botanical report has been released and the results are clear: Ossipee Lake Natural Area remains as unique as previous research has shown.
The latest botanical study of Ossipee Lake Natural Area shows that the proposed location of a town beach contains five natural communities, four of which are rare in New Hampshire and one of which is the only known example of its type in the state.