Selectman Harry Merrow questions how people can see the proposed town beach on Ossipee Lake as something that will disturb or threaten natural and historic resources, since the beach has been a hub of activity on the lake each summer for years.
Selectman Harry Merrow questions how people can see the proposed town beach on Ossipee Lake as something that will disturb or threaten natural and historic resources, since the beach has been a hub of activity on the lake each summer for years.
Bill Fortier of Nichols Road came in to talk with the Selectmen [last week] about an access to Ossipee Lake off Nichols Road Extension.
After viewing Long Sands beach with officials from the town and state, Selectman Harry Merrow reported that the group had identified the location for the proposed town beach, and agreed on a course of action to look for rare plants there.
The spread of invasive plants and animals in our lakes is an issue that affects everyone who lives in Northern New Hampshire.
Voters at the annual town meeting gave selectmen the go ahead to pursue a town beach on Ossipee Lake.