Diver Cliff Cabral and Susan Marks of Ossipee Lake Alliance met with selectmen at the board’s meeting Monday afternoon to discuss the status of milfoil eradication on Ossipee Lake, and plans for this year’s project of pulling the weed.
Diver Cliff Cabral and Susan Marks of Ossipee Lake Alliance met with selectmen at the board’s meeting Monday afternoon to discuss the status of milfoil eradication on Ossipee Lake, and plans for this year’s project of pulling the weed.
Selectmen approved abatements for all the property owners on Long Sands Road at the weekly board meeting Monday night.
Selectman and state Rep. Harry Merrow is backing away from his plan to create a new town beach at Long Sands on Ossipee Lake — at least for the present.
Appraiser David Wiley has recommended to selectmen that they drop the assessed values for properties in Long Sands Association by $75,000 across the board.
It’s a shame to see the damage that has been done at Constitution Park in Ossipee. Over the years that damage has included willful vandalism of interpretive signs set up on trails to help people understand and appreciate the nature around them.