All Posts by Daymond Steer

Ossipee Beach Case Postponed; Recount Scheduled

Ossipee officials will recount the votes from the November 28 special town meeting at which voters narrowly turned down the purchase of Camp Sokokis on Ossipee Lake. Meanwhile, a hearing on a state judge’s temporary restraining order preventing the campground’s owner from selling to another buyer has been continued to January 4. The town’s complaint to the state is that the seller, Dianne Sheehan, violated the terms of the sales agreement by urging residents to vote against the purchase.

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Ossipee ZBA Denies Westward Shores Appeals, Again

Effingham got its chance to publicly support Freedom’s claim that the controversial campground expansion plan violates Ossipee’s floodplain zoning ordinance, but the outcome was the same. Meanwhile, Ossipee’s Select Board has turned down a proposed settlement of the issues with Freedom, and an Effingham Planning Board member warns that Ossipee residents could lose eligibility for federal flood insurance if the town is found to be out of compliance with its floodplain regulations.

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