Green Mountain Conservation Group asks the ZBA to revoke its approval due to alleged misrepresentations by the engineering firm representing the campground’s owners. ZBA agrees to consider the alleged misrepresentations at the next meeting.
Green Mountain Conservation Group asks the ZBA to revoke its approval due to alleged misrepresentations by the engineering firm representing the campground’s owners. ZBA agrees to consider the alleged misrepresentations at the next meeting.
Questionable claims by SFC Engineering Partnership in regard to the campground’s ZBA special exemption application are being investigated after several organizations that SFC said they had contacted, and had support from, have denied such contact occurred. Some will be demanding a retraction from SFC, a correction to the meeting minutes, and possibly a revocation of the special exception that the ZBA granted.
Select Board says it found out about the work schedule second-hand and is concerned boaters will be inconvenienced at a busy tine of year.
Ossipee’s simmering feud over a proposed land planning study shows no sign of abating. Selectman Rick Morgan has called for a meeting to determine whether the town’s Conservation Commission has the legal right to find a new source of funding for the study. Citing a similar study in Freedom, Morgan says “ultimately it [was] all about the concern over phosphorous levels in Lake Ossipee,” adding that since Ossipee is in the hills and “all its run-off ends up in the lake,” the same kind of study in Ossipee could result in “detrimental restrictions” on land use. Citing the importance of water quality in the lake, Conservation Commission chair Ron Adams reminds Morgan that “Fifty-two percent of the town’s taxes are raised from lakeshore properties.”
Ossipee Selectmen don’t like Green Mountain Conservation Group and don’t think much of their planning survey either, even if the town’s own conservation commission leads the effort. Issue may be proposed directly to voters at Town Meeting.