All Posts by Bob Smart

The Smart Report: End of Summer 2013

The State Dam Authority plans to maintain the lake at summer level until Columbus Day (10/14) and then begin the usual, gradual winter drawdown of 3.5 feet. I am counting on the usual fall flood some time in November or December to float my docks onto the beach. The Lake usually ices over by end of December.

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The Smart Report: 2013 Memorial Day Weekend

The two layers of stop logs remain out of the north side of the dam, and there is a constant flow of water over the top boards. The south side gates are being used to make adjustments in the lake level to reduce fluctuation in lake level as we go from wet to dry and back to wet days. The bonus is that we now have a constant waterfall on the Ossipee River and flowing water over the rocks on the north side. It’s a great photo op!

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The Smart Report: Return of Summer

The Ossipee River dam was almost completely closed down at 10 a.m. Monday morning. As for the reported lake level, it is 406.07 as of 4 p.m. yesterday and is increasing at a rate of 0.08’ per day. If nothing changes, the level will be up to about 406.6’ by this time next week. The “Operating Rule” for Ossipee Lake issued in the spring of 2005 calls for 406’ by May 1st and 407.25’ (summer level) by June 1st. So far, so good. [Click “Lake Water Level” on this page for real-time data].

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The Smart Report: Almost There

I was at the dam around noon Thursday. Snowplow piles restricted a close up view, but I did confirm that all five south side gates are open. Looking to the west there is open water and no ice blockage. Water flow is steady and the level appears to be the same on both sides of the south dam. This is normal when the lake elevation is below 405′. The south side dam drains the water from the bottom of the lake so water flow resembles a river at today’s activity level.

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