The Tale of Two Campgrounds, the boat thief who got away, and all the rest. Ossipee Lake 2017 in review.
The Tale of Two Campgrounds, the boat thief who got away, and all the rest. Ossipee Lake 2017 in review.
Proponents and opponents square off in the final week. In public letters, Select Board members call opponents “cowardly” and “arrogant,” and signal that non-resident taxpayers won’t be permitted to speak at the town meeting. Members of Broad-Leavitt Bay Association question its chairman’s endorsement of the purchase.
The recent storm that brought high winds and heavy rain to the area quickly took the lake from its planned autumn drawdown level to flood stage. It’s a reminder that flooding is a fact of life on Ossipee Lake that needs to be considered in approving development on the floodplain.
A 6 p.m. public information meeting at Ossipee Town Hall is scheduled as town taxpayers appear to be divided over the wisdom of buying an Ossipee Lake campground, and confused about the tax impact and how the property will be operated.
Select Board Chairman Richard Morgan is urging town residents to get educated about buying Camp Sokokis for $1.2 million before the issue comes to a vote at a special town meeting. But the town has offered no meaningful information about the plan since it was announced in August, leading people to express their frustrations online and in the local newspaper.