An arbitrated agreement filed in Superior Court on Thursday ended a group lawsuit by more than 70 Westward Shores campers against the Town of Ossipee and Northgate Resorts over zoning enforcement and sales practices.
An arbitrated agreement filed in Superior Court on Thursday ended a group lawsuit by more than 70 Westward Shores campers against the Town of Ossipee and Northgate Resorts over zoning enforcement and sales practices.
Snow and high water around the holidays didn’t slow down work on the new Ossipee Lake Dam, according to Tim Otterbach, who has been documenting the project since August.
Construction of the Ossipee River Dam was the year’s biggest news story, but there was much more, making 2019 a year to remember.
Next week we’ll publish our summary of the year’s lake news. But since we’ll also be entering a new decade, we decided to look back at what was happening on the lake ten years ago, as 2009 slipped into 2010.
The construction team is on track to meet its goal of completing the concrete work by Christmas. By then, approximately 40% of the project will be complete.