About Us - Ossipee Lake Alliance

About Us

We are a full-time volunteer organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the lake and surrounding waters as a unique recreational, environmental, and economic resource. Throughout the year we interact with property owners, visitors, businesses, and elected officials to promote the careful stewardship and shared enjoyment of the lake.


Property owner associations formed as the lake was developed during the 1940s and 1950s, initially as social outlets, and later as a way for neighbors to organize around issues affecting their property. We formed the Alliance in 2003 to bring these groups together to share information and work on common goals.

We helped end the destruction of Ossipee Lake Natural Area by working with the state on a management plan that balances preservation and recreation. We brought milfoil control to the lake, pioneered alternatives to chemical treatments, and secured annual town funding to cover the costs. Our year-round lake news reports promote transparency on important state and local issues affecting the lake.

As a 501(c)3 New Hampshire not for profit corporation we rely on public donations to support our work. Our staff and board of directors are volunteers, and there are links on this page to our financial reports.

Susan Marks
Co-Executive Director &
Board Member
David Smith
Co-Executive Director &
Board Member
Emelyn Albert (Effingham)
Perry Fine (Ossipee)
Barre Hellquist (Freedom)
Jean Hansen (Emeritus)
Roberta MacCarthy (Freedom)
Paul Elie (Freedom)
Tim Otterbach (Ossipee)
Brian Taylor (Freedom)


(914) 588-3280

PO Box 173
Freedom, NH 03836