Ossipee Beach Case Postponed; Recount Scheduled

Ossipee — December 13, 2017 — A hearing that was originally scheduled for Tuesday, regarding a judge’s temporary order preventing a landowner from selling her beach to anyone but the town, has been postponed until January. Meanwhile, a recount on the special town vote in which the beach proposal narrowly failed, is scheduled for Wednesday night.

On Nov. 28, Ossipee residents were asked to vote on purchasing the Camp Sokokis property for $1.2 million. The property consists of 53 acres and includes 200 feet of beach frontage, room for 40 parking spaces, and access to Route 16B from private Gretchen Road, which would have come with the property. The seller was Dianne Sheehan.

The proposal got a 297-171 majority vote but failed because it required a two-thirds majority (66.67 percent), and only 63 percent of the 468 voters were in favor.

A recount on the vote is scheduled for Wednesday at town hall starting at 5 p.m.

The recount is a result of a petition filed by resident Molly Messenger, among others, according to Town Administrator Ellen White. The recount will be performed by Town Clerk Kellie Skehan, Moderator Katy Meserve and town selectmen Richard Morgan, Sandra “Sam” Putnam Martin and Robert Freeman.

Carroll County Superior Court Judge Amy Ignatius last week temporarily barred Sheehan from selling her land to anyone but the town of Ossipee. The town had complained that she violated the terms of a sales agreement by encouraging residents to vote against the purchase.

The town’s attorney, Richard Sager of Sager & Smith PLLC of Ossipee, and Sheehan and her attorney, Phillip Evan Marbury of Marbury & Marbury of Wolfeboro, both asked for the hearing to be moved to Jan. 4 at 8:45 a.m.

“As a basis for the continuance, the parties would like to have time to discuss the issues in the case, and seek a resolution,” wrote Sager in his motion, which was agreed to by Sheehan and Marbury.

“Moreover, John Seda and Paul Fitts, who are the individuals who spoke against the town’s request for a special town meeting in this court, will be seeking to intervene in this case pursuant to Sup. Ct. R. 15, based upon the existence of an agreement with Ms. Sheehan to purchase the subject property.”

Sager said the town doesn’t object to the intervention.

Sager wrote that he and Sheehan agree that the temporary restraining order should remain in full force and effect, pending another order of the court. Clerk of Court Abigail Albee has issued a new notice of hearing for Jan. 4, 2018, at 8:45 a.m.



  1. scott 7 years ago December 14, 2017

    This sounds about right…..Lets let the town officials recount the vote…..Shouldn’t that be happening at the state level?

  2. Ossipee Lake 7 years ago December 14, 2017

    Sources report that last night’s recount validated the previous results. No change in the outcome.


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