Freedom’s Tax Rate Increased to $9.90

Freedom — November 10, 2008 — While this year’s tax bills are being prepared for mailing — Freedom’s taxpayers can expect to receive them in the mail shortly — the Select Board has officially started the process putting together next year’s budget.

At their meeting on Monday evening, the Board signed the tax warrant, setting a rate of $9.90, an increase of seventy cents over last year’s rate of $9.20.

The tax rate breaks down thusly: the town rate is $2.95 (up from $2.83 last year), local school rate is $3.94 (from $3.55), the state school obligation is $2.12 (up from 2.05), and the county rate is 89 cents cents (up from 77 cents). The members of the Select Board were pleased to announce that the town rate — the only rate, they pointed out, that they have control over — was increased by only 10 cents. Tax bills will be mailed soon and payments are due on December 12.


  1. local1 16 years ago November 10, 2008

    for those of you who voted for Obama all I can say is get used to it…

  2. Linda Habif 16 years ago November 10, 2008

    Why are taxes going up when property values are going down. Are our assessments going down? How is such a large increase justified, when the economy is so bad, and most people are hurting.

  3. Freedom Resident 16 years ago November 11, 2008

    Why are we so surprised? New Hampshire refuses to impliment a fair income tax. The only way towns can pay their bills is through fees and property taxes. While all the zillionairs in the southern part of the state laugh at the rest of us, well pick up their tab. Because of this many people on fixed incomes cannot afford their lakefront homes. Schools, road maintanance, fire, local and state police protection have to be funded. Even Massachusetts changed their refund of state income taxes to those who live in southern New Hampshire and work in Mass. They are keeping more for themselves. Think about it.

  4. Don Macleod 16 years ago November 14, 2008

    Our taxes go up.

    If the assessment spikes and the rates adjust down… we still pay more.
    If the assessment goes down then the rates go up… we still pay more.
    As the cost of our government goes up, service is reduced and our taxes go up.

    So we perpetually pay more to get less.


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