NH LAKES Chief to Speak in Freedom

Freedom—May 22, 2024—Berry Bay Association will host a public forum this Saturday, May 25, to explore how to strengthen ties between local lake associations, state agencies and elected officials to preserve and protect Ossipee Lake and the surrounding waterways.

The meeting, at Freedom Town Hall from 10-11 a.m., will start with coffee at 9:45.

Andrea LaMoreaux, President & Policy Advocate of NH LAKES, will be the guest speaker and meeting facilitator. For more than three decades, NH LAKES has been at the forefront of lake advocacy, spanning issues from cyanobacteria to invasive milfoil to boating safety.

Our lakes are under stress from increased use, a long-term trend that was exacerbated by the influx of permanent and semi-permanent lake residents during the pandemic.

State resources, always scarce, have failed to keep pace, and that has created questions about what can be done to bridge the gap between local associations, state agencies and elected officials.

This Saturday’s meeting is an opportunity to explore how to address that gap. The meeting is all the more timely because a new State Senator will be elected to represent the Ossipee Lake community this year.

Local property owners and boaters on Ossipee Lake, the bays, Danforth Pond, Loon Lake and adjacent rivers are encouraged to attend, listen to new ideas and express your concerns.

For additional information, contact Roberta MacCarthy at ramaccarthy@gmail.com.

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