The Friends of Danforth Pond to Hold “Meet and Greet” Social

Freedom—August 8, 2022—The oldest associations on the lake started as annual picnics among neighbors and friends, then morphed into a blend of socializing and problem-solving after finding the best solutions to neighborhood issues were often the ones neighbors created together.

That’s the model the Friends of Danforth Pond is following by holding a “Meet & Greet” social this Saturday, August 13, from 4-6:30 p.m.

The free event is open to all Danforth Pond property owners and regular seasonal campers at the Danforth Bay Camping & RV Resort, and The Bluffs RV Resort on Huckins Pond.

There will be socializing and food—hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, watermelon and soda. Plus, a bit of discussion about activities everyone can participate in for the health of Danforth Pond, as organizer Bruce Howlett put it.

“We will have some handouts about Lake-Friendly Living, and there will be a short discussion about next steps to formalize The Friends of the Danforth Ponds so we can continue to work on the prevention of Cyanobacteria,” he said, referring to the algae-like blooms that appear from time to time in the three ponds that are often called the Danforth Bays.

The location will be 177 East Danforth Road. Take the east dirt road, pass the end of the pavement and park on the grass along the road from #163 to beyond the gate across the road, read the instructions.

Bring an adult beverage and dessert if you like, and a lawn chair if you want to sit. Everything else will be provided.

“If you have a calendar conflict, stop by for a minute for a quick hello or to pick up a copy of NH Lakes’ “LakeSmart: A Guide to Lake Friendly Living,” Howlett said, asking that those planning to attend register in advance by leaving a message at (603) 539-2410, or sending an email to

“We need to get a food count, he said.

1 comment

  1. Joe Hill 3 years ago August 8, 2022

    Diane & Joe 27 East. Danforth rd we will attend Thank you


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