The Smart Report: Ice-In Declared

Freedom—December 20, 2020—I have established the 2020 Ice Cover Date for Ossipee Lake to be 9 a.m. yesterday, Saturday, December 19.

This is based on a call from Velma Hormell at noon on Friday that she could no longer see open water after the heavy snowfall of two feet or more earlier in the week, and my decision to hold off reporting until after the big temperature drop Thursday night.

The state’s lake website is out of service, so the best I can report is a lake height of 405 – 406” and continuing to drop until about 404′.

There is an interesting report of a person drilling holes in White Lake for fishing. He found  4″ of ice that was enough to keep him dry.

Think Spring for ice-out and no COVID-19.

Bob Smart

1 comment

  1. Gordon Vandenburg 4 years ago December 26, 2020

    Can we declare ice-out! 🙂


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