Concrete Work Effectively Finished at the Dam

Freedom—January 10, 2020—The lake rose to well over the summer level as the holidays approached, but the construction team at the dam managed to keep working, according to Tim Otterbach. He’s been tracking progress on the construction project and documenting it in pictures since work began in August.

As of this week, the concrete work is effectively completed, and only one additional pour will be needed. That will be for the foundation of the new head house, to the left of the new dam, and it will likely occur in late spring or early summer.

While Otterbach was on-site this Wednesday, workers were moving large boulders into place upstream of the new concrete work in preparation for removing the earthen berm, which was constructed downstream as a place to position the crane.

The remaining boulders will be placed downstream from the dam as infill for the area excavated for the concrete formwork.

Then work will cease until spring, when we’ll pick up the story again.


  1. Marilyn Sousa 5 years ago January 10, 2020

    Where exactly on the lake is this dam?

  2. John Menz 5 years ago January 10, 2020

    Great job guys I work for the dot bridge maintenance and know how hard it is to work around water in the winter I am also a owner on the lake in totem pole park and will benefit from your hard work thanks again


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