Freedom—June 19th—On Thursday, June 19, at 5:00pm at the Freedom Town Hall, FB Environmental (FBE) will present the analysis of 10 years of water quality data that has been collected in the Ossipee Watershed through GMCG’s RIVERS and Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP). This presentation will give watershed residents a greater understanding of the trends of the lakes and tributaries that flow through their towns.
Since 2001, RIVERS volunteers have made over 5,500 site visits. Data has also been collected through the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) since the late 80’s creating an incredible set of baseline data for the Lakes and tributaries in the Ossipee Watershed. Baseline data for any watershed is very important to determine the trends in water quality across the region.
Following these trends further allows us to recognize any issues that may be developing over a short or long period of time. Being able to identify areas of concern early is critical to the health of a watershed. This presentation will also contribute to the launch of the next phases of water protection programs, including specific identification of water sites that show they need remedial attention to sustain quality and/or correct detectable water quality imbalances that could be harmful to us and our downstream neighbors. Call GMCG at 539-1859 for more information