The Smart Report: Almost Full

Freedom–January 25, 2014–Since my last report in early December, we have experienced real winter weather and snow. Plow piles at most intersections were over 6′ high. Church was canceled two Sundays in a row because of snow and ice. We had 19 below zero two weeks ago, and then rain and warm weather for a few days early last week.

Looks like almost 2/3 of the snow cover melted or turned to ice. The temperature has been below zero many nights in the last 10 days.

As for the reported lake level, it was down to 405.02′ on Jan 11.  Then the rain and warm weather took the level up an average of 3.76″ per day until Jan 17th when the level crested at 407.21′.  Just ½” below summer level (Almost Full). Since then the level has gone down an average of 2″ per day. On Jan 24 it was reported to be 406.05′. No warm weather or heavy snow is in the forecast, so the level should be down another foot by this time next week. The good news is that we are only three months away from ice out.

As for local conditions, some of the roads and Route 153N are rough from frost heaves. Just below GM Furniture on Route 16S, I got behind a State truck that was patching potholes. Roads are clear but parking lots have a layer of rough ice. Lots of sand but not much fun. Think I will stay inside and get started on my taxes.

Bob Smart


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