The Smart Report: After Christmas 2012

Freedom — December 28, 2012 — Yes “Virginia” the lake is frozen over. Mother Nature was a little late this year. We had some open water and mild weather until the day after Christmas. Most of the snow from two previous storms washed away in the rain on 12/18 and 12/22.

This melting almost resulted in the December flood I predicted on November 1 when Sandy took the level to 409+ ft. After that date we were warm and almost dry until mid December. By 12/3 the level was down to 404.4 and remained at that level until 12/18.

(NOTE: Going through some old records today I found a notation that the level was down to 403.9 on 10/8/05 with a scheduled winter level of 403.5. There are no control adjustments to go below 404. The dam is wide open for the winter. Lake level is a result of inflow from the 7 main streams and rivers that flow, unrestricted, into the lake).

The level then rose to 407.25 (summer standard) in six days and crested Christmas Eve. Lots of open water and gentle waives breaking on my beach. At that time I expected the level to go over 407.25 because of high levels in all of the feeder rivers and streams. So, I held off publishing this report.

Some light snow Christmas Day that covered the ice sheet on the lake and illustrated a significant area of open water. That evening the temperature went down to 3 degrees above. No open water Wednesday morning. This cold weather shut down the snowmelt and the increase in lake level. The level is down to406.8 ft. this morning.

We were scheduled for 10 – 16 inches of snow Thursday. Snow did not start until about 9 am. I just heard the first batch slide off our metal roof.

The Lake Road is showing early signs of frost heaves, but the new Village Road is in good condition.

From the standpoint of living in the area, this has been one of the best holidays in recent years. Lots of community activities in the village, topped off with a wonderful candlelight Christmas Eve service in the church attended by 190 people.

Summer boating is only four months away. The Old Home Week Committee meets on January 12th to begin scheduling activities for early August, including the cardboard boat race. No time for a “long winter’s nap”.


  1. Bob Smart 12 years ago December 28, 2012

    Went out to the mail box at noon today (Friday) Bright sun, mild temperature and no wind. The town plow did their usual great job and so did our plow person. Looks like we got 6″ or less snow. A picture perfict day in the Freedom area and the lake level continues to go down but is frozen over.

  2. Bob Smart 12 years ago December 28, 2012

    Just received a message from a resident on the south/east shore of the big lake. There is an area of open water near the north west section of the lake.

  3. Jim McElroy 12 years ago December 28, 2012

    We had our first ice fisherman this week on Lower Danforth. I thought he was pushing things a bit but he was smart enough to stay relatively close to shore.

  4. Freedom Resident 12 years ago December 28, 2012


    What would we do without you and your reports?!!!! Thanks again and again.



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