Lakefront Landing Marina Gets DES Extension

Ossipee—August 11, 2012—Lakefront Landing Marina in Ossipee has been given more than a two week extension to prove the docks it has been selling are properly permitted. If not, the docks could be removed.

In May, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services gave Lakefront Landing a deadline of Aug. 1. Now, the state agency decided to move the deadline to Aug. 17. DES has said the docks would be removed if they weren’t permitted. Lakefront Landing Condominiums’ property includes 12 campsites and 44 boat slips at 85 Pequaket Trail.

“The agent for Lakefront Landing requested an extension until Labor Day to submit the requested information because of difficulty obtaining historical information,” said Jeffrey Blecharczyk who is a compliance inspector at DES. “The department granted a final extension until Aug. 17 to submit the response.”

Kevin Price, owner of Ossipee Lake Marina in Freedom, believes the boat slips shouldn’t be sold until the permit issue is cleared up.

Lakefront Landing’s lawyer, Greg Smith, of McLane, Graf, Raulerson and Middleton, of Concord, is confident that all the boat slips are old enough to be grandfathered. Smith says there’s ample evidence that some of the docks have been there even since the 1960s. According to Smith, rumors to the contrary are being spread by Price who sees himself as a competitor.

Reached on Wednesday afternoon, Smith was confident Lakefront Landing could assemble enough information by the state’s deadline.


  1. Jim Peterson 13 years ago August 17, 2012

    I have been visiting the lake since 1969. I don’t remember seeing the docks nearest the lake.

  2. curt drumm 13 years ago August 17, 2012

    I have been going to Ossippee since the early 50s.
    In the 60s as a teenager id row down the lake to the teen hangout, burgers pop, exc.
    there were piers there then i tided up to them.
    I dont recall how close to the entrance to the channel they were but they were there.

  3. MJ 13 years ago August 23, 2012

    This is ridiculous! Kevin Price, my message to you is why don’t you focus on your own DES problems like your bathroom locations; gas pump issues; and the list goes on. Haven’t you heard that competition is healthy and part of our capitalistic society!
    By the way, I have been going to the lake since 1974 and the docks were there. We can all play in the same sandbox Mr. Price, can’t we?

  4. Ossipee Lake Guy 13 years ago August 28, 2012

    Ossipee lake is my 2nd home. I have been vacationing up there since 1970 and have not missed a Summer. Every Summer weekend travel by boat past there and I know for sure that the new docks are quite recent. The only dock that is grandfathered is the one that you pull up to for gasoline. I used to rent SeaDoos from the former owner and he did not have the docks in question, only the one original one at the gas pump. Selling dock-o-miniums on state property is the biggest scam I ever heard of. It would be th esame idea as if I sell you a slice of the breakdown lane of route 16 to camp on. While you are at it, we better check out the ever-expanding docks at the other 2 marinas as well (Broad bay and Westward Shores) to nip it in the but before the same thing happens over those places as well.


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