The Smart Report: Before Christmas 2011

Freedom — December 22, 2011 — Holiday Greetings from the lake! We had skin ice shore to shore on North Broad Bay yesterday morning but most of it was gone by lunchtime. The ponds along Rt. 153 had ice in their bays last Saturday when we drove to North Conway. All of the snow from our November storms is gone, and the light dustings received a few times since then are also gone.

Temperatures down to the single digits at night earlier in the week put some frost in the ground. Based on weather forecasts, no snow, with light rain and temperatures above freezing through Christmas Day.

King Pine has man-made snow in the clubhouse area and expects to produce some coverage in remaining areas by end of the week.

The lake level remains above the plan of 405′ by this time of year because of the heavy rain (about 2″) from 12/6 – 12/9.  Level was down to 407′ before the rain and then went up to a little over 408′ two days later.

No other big news to report from this corner of Freedom Land.


  1. Jean O'Leary 13 years ago December 23, 2011

    Thank you for taking the time to describe the “Freedom Land”. I can picture it now. It’s a lovely thought!

  2. Bob Smart 13 years ago December 23, 2011

    Friday morning – 12/23/11 Received allmost 3″ of snow last night. Almost half of the north end of Broad Bay now has snow covered ice. This all may be gone by Christmas Eve.

  3. Fred Laspisa 13 years ago December 24, 2011

    Thanks for the update but wheres the snow


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