Judge Orders Fitzpatrick Associate to Turn Over $120,000

Ossipee — August 15, 2008 — A local judge has ordered a Massachusetts business partner of alleged double-murderer Sean Fitzpatrick to turn over more than $100,000 in “joint venture” cash to a frozen Fitzpatrick bank account. The latest action in a wrongful death suit filed by the victim’s family, the assets, once held by Paul Taylor, were attached pending the outcome of a Bay State murder trial currently under way.

Fitzpatrick, 49, of Freedom, is on trial in Middlesex Superior Court in Massachusetts for the March 2006 slayings of Michael Zammitti Jr. and Chester Roberts in Wakefield, Mass. Soon after the shootings, Michael Zammitti Sr., who owns an Ossipee Lake vacation home near Fitzpatrick’s, filed a civil suit in Carroll County Superior Court seeking restitution for his son’s death.

A judge had already awarded $2.5 million in attachments on Fitzpatrick’s beloved lake house, when last summer an additional $120,000 was attached after being dropped into Fitzpatrick’s bank account by Taylor.
Taylor, who had it in his name as a result of a “joint venture” with Fitzpatrick, was “desirous” to do so, according to court papers.

Prosecutors say Roberts was an ill-fated bystander who died after Fitzpatrick had set out to kill Zammitti Jr. in order to have another affair with his wife. The two were found by Zammitti Sr. shot to death in the Zammitti family business, Allstate Concrete Pumping.

The case entangles local police and other area witnesses who helped prosecutors recreate Fitzpatrick’s alleged theft of a truck and haul from Freedom to Allstate Concrete, where prosecutors say he pulled the trigger and returned home to Freedom.

1 comment

  1. melissa 17 years ago August 23, 2008

    How long before the Fitzpatrick affair did Paul Taylor have an affair with Michele Zammitti?
    How did Michael Zammitti Jr. find out about that affair?


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