Right Vehicle, Wrong Place, Wrong Season

A Wolfeboro man was arrested Friday night after trying to ride a snowmobile across Lake Winnipesaukee, the police said. Marine Patrol received a report of a snowmobile being ridden across Meredith Bay about 5:30 p.m. Officers caught up with the driver, Jonathan Miller, 20, of Wolfeboro, as he was traveling south near Spindle Point.

The machine sank, and officers had to pull Miller from the water. He was wearing a life jacket and a helmet that had a video camera attached.

Lt. Tim Dunleavy said the lake was packed with boaters celebrating the holiday. He said the stunt, which Marine Patrol doesn’t see often, was extremely dangerous for Miller and others. To skim across the water, the snowmobile would have had to be going at a high speed, said Dunleavy, who wasn’t sure exactly how fast Miller was driving.

“One thing I do know is that certainly the ability to maneuver a snowmobile on the open water is difficult,” he said. Miller was charged with reckless conduct.

While officers were processing Miller, Marine Patrol received a second call from the Meredith Police Department that someone was riding a snowmobile across Meredith Bay near Wagonwheel Trail. That driver, whom the police did not identify, sank the vehicle.

Dunleavy said Marine Patrol is working with the Fish and Game Department to investigate the second incident. Charges are pending.


  1. Miguel Diocuore 17 years ago July 10, 2008

    I love my sled…..enough not to do that! 🙂

  2. Ed 17 years ago July 10, 2008

    Great idea, guys — what could possibly go wrong?


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